Friday, September 3, 2010

Flower #34

Since I began this project, I've seen the world through a new set of eyes. Suddenly everything is a canvas to me in some way. The sidewalk, canvas. The soles of my shoes, canvas. My dogs, canvas. My nails are no exception. They are this week's flower:

Nail polish

Flower #33

Even while on vacation I can't stop thinking about my flower-a-week project.
Here is this week's flower, drawn in the sand on the beach in New Jersey:


Flower #32

I was stumped again over a flower for the week. As I sat at my studio desk, I began to scratch my head. And scratch. And scratch. And scratch. Well, all that scratching gave me an idea, and I quickly set to work creating this week's bloom...

Gold Scratchboard

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Flower #31

It's not that I have anything against Hallmark, I just never buy their cards. Or anyone's cards, really. I have too much fun making my own. It gives me the perfect chance to experiment with new techniques on something small. If it turns out poorly, I didn't waste a lot of material. If it turns out well, I can give it away and make someone's day as well. That's what I did for this week's flower, which came about after getting acquainted with flocking:

Assorted card stock and flocking

Flower #30

Stickers are probably one of the only mediums that can cater to both ends of crafting spectrum, looking either elementary or sophisticated. And, they're perfect for those who like instant gratification.

I found some tiny, square stickers in the scrapbook aisle of the craft store, and was instantly inspired to make this week's flower:

Dogwood Flower
Mosaic stickers


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Flower #29

Flowers, like all plants, need sunshine to survive. This week's flower doesn't biologically need light, but it sure doesn't hurt the aesthetics.

Suncatcher mobile

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Flower #28

A lot of slogans have been running through my head this week.
Save the planet! Beat the heat! Make a flower! Do all three!
And so I did.

Daisy barrette
Popsicle sticks and Sharpie