Friday, September 3, 2010

Flower #34

Since I began this project, I've seen the world through a new set of eyes. Suddenly everything is a canvas to me in some way. The sidewalk, canvas. The soles of my shoes, canvas. My dogs, canvas. My nails are no exception. They are this week's flower:

Nail polish

Flower #33

Even while on vacation I can't stop thinking about my flower-a-week project.
Here is this week's flower, drawn in the sand on the beach in New Jersey:


Flower #32

I was stumped again over a flower for the week. As I sat at my studio desk, I began to scratch my head. And scratch. And scratch. And scratch. Well, all that scratching gave me an idea, and I quickly set to work creating this week's bloom...

Gold Scratchboard

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Flower #31

It's not that I have anything against Hallmark, I just never buy their cards. Or anyone's cards, really. I have too much fun making my own. It gives me the perfect chance to experiment with new techniques on something small. If it turns out poorly, I didn't waste a lot of material. If it turns out well, I can give it away and make someone's day as well. That's what I did for this week's flower, which came about after getting acquainted with flocking:

Assorted card stock and flocking

Flower #30

Stickers are probably one of the only mediums that can cater to both ends of crafting spectrum, looking either elementary or sophisticated. And, they're perfect for those who like instant gratification.

I found some tiny, square stickers in the scrapbook aisle of the craft store, and was instantly inspired to make this week's flower:

Dogwood Flower
Mosaic stickers


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Flower #29

Flowers, like all plants, need sunshine to survive. This week's flower doesn't biologically need light, but it sure doesn't hurt the aesthetics.

Suncatcher mobile

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Flower #28

A lot of slogans have been running through my head this week.
Save the planet! Beat the heat! Make a flower! Do all three!
And so I did.

Daisy barrette
Popsicle sticks and Sharpie

Flower #27

Here's another one of my delightful back-up projects. Painted one week last summer while I was home alone and bored half out of my mind.

Roses in a French Water lens
Acrylic on canvas

Flower #26

I finally got around to getting back on my computer and the internet after a week at Camp. Shwew. However, I was ill prepared after I returned, not to mention completely exhausted, and did not have a flower ready. *frown*

However, I did have enough sense before hand to collect a few previous projects to use in case of such an emergency. So, here we are:

Roses and some random lemons
Colored pencil
It won second place in the local Fair. Whoo hoo!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Flower #25

I found out this week that I'm at an awkward crafting age. I'm too old for children's crafts, too young for old-lady crafts, and too stubborn for anything else. This week all I had in my supply bin were those little iron-together beads (children!) and a dainty cross-stitch pattern (old-lady!). What was I to do? After swiping some graph paper from my brothers desk and digging out our ironing board, I came up with a refreshing hybrid flower! Behold, coasters!

Violet coaster
Perler Beads

The action!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Flower #24

According to the Great Wikipedia speed painting is "an exercise, primarily digital, in which one paints on a time budget, using already developed methods to create a piece."

According to Me: speed painting is "when I have to leave for work in fifteen minutes and realize I'm somehow a week behind on my flowers."

Either way, here's what it looks like:


Flower #23

Ideas are one of those things that you wish you could have on demand. Instead, the evasive little things sneak up upon you when you least expect it and jump out in front of you. While you're tossing and turning around in bed at three a/m, or making yourself a sandwich, or while you're taking a shower. Like, for example, this week's flower. (Technically its last week's flower, but I'm only getting around to posting it now.)

Carved soap


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Flower #22

Life has been increasingly busy. Between working, taking care of old dog, training my new dog, going kayaking, and attending Memorial Day festivities, I found myself headachey and wishing vehemently to become a hippy. How wonderful would it be to do nothing all day but frolic about in the fields, gathering leaves and flowers for my next project, wearing airy skirts and charming vintage jewelry? Very. This week's flower is a subtle tribute to the kind of freedom I so long for during these hectic times:

Flower Girl
Pressed flowers, ribbon, silk remnants.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Flower #21

If any of you have been scrupulously paying attention to my post dates, you would have noticed that I did not actually display a flower for last week. In my defense, I must say two things: 1) I had a flower made but lacked proper time to go online due to my younger brothers high school graduation festivities and 2) You should get out more. But here it is anyway:

Stylized daisy
Acrylic India ink

Friday, May 14, 2010

Flower #20

Lavender flowers have long been used as an aromatherapy sleep aid. This week's project is a less aromatic version of them:

Embroidered Pillowcase


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Flower #19

It's amazing what you can do with a selection of odds and ends, a clear work table, and a vague idea. As evident in this week's project.

Lily of the Valley
Oil paint and (acrylic) India ink on glass, backed with aluminum foil.

Detail, sort of.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Flower #18

Stamps + Flowers = Pressed Flowers. Why? You press, and there's a flower. Ta da!

Posie Stamp
Wood block, craft foam, acrylic paint.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Flower #17

Coffee filters are nearing extinction. All of those big one-cup wonders and single serving espresso machines are eating up their habitat with dizzying speed. I rescued a box of forgotten filters in the dark depths of one of our kitchen cupboards this week and decided to give them a second chance at life by transforming them into this week's flower...

Rose and Carnations
Coffee Filters and Watercolors

Friday, April 16, 2010

Flower #16

Lack of initiative and little time usually bring about a certain level of ingenuity exclusive to the artsy types. As evident in this week's flower:

Calla Lily
My work lunch trash

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Flower #15

This week's flower is a bit of a late bloomer. My apologies.

One of the techniques I am most amazed by in the world of polymer clay is the concept of caning. You take odd shaped logs of clay, arrange them just so, roll them down to the appropriate size, and slice them open, not knowing for sure what the image inside will have turned out like. It's almost like a little sliver of Christmas.

Most canes are sliced into thick pieces for beading. I cut mine much thinner so I could use them as mosaic stones.

Bead Studded tealight holder.


Friday, April 2, 2010

Flower #14

Edible flowers. In the wild, they look nice, but taste a bit abhorrent. However, edible flowers that come from my kitchen make you want seconds. Or thirds. Or...a whole garden...

Lemon cupcakes with vanilla icing

Friday, March 26, 2010

Flower #13

Fact: Spring is officially here.
Fact: Cherry blossoms are pretty.
Fact: I love Starburst
Fact: This weeks flower is awesome.

Cherry Blossoms made from pink Starburst wrappers


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Flower #12

I have learned that when I am short on ideas, all I must do is flip open a Wedding magazine, and inspiration pours forth abundantly. Thank goodness for weddings being flower-friendly. Martha Stewart has my appreciation. This week's project has been modified to be slightly less nuptial, more edgy, and, in my opinion, pretty spiffy.

Black and Purple Organza

Friday, March 12, 2010

Flower #11

It came unexpectedly and was gone so quickly that I scarcely believed it had actually happened. I'm talking about, of course, that lovely fifty-eight degree day this week. It was time to get outside, enjoy the sunshine, break out the sidewalk chalk, and make a flower!

Sidewalk Chalk
(approx. 7' X 5')

Friday, March 5, 2010

Flower #10

I must admit, all this snow and dreary weather has all but squashed my desire to make anything floral. Luckily for me, I had a commission that pulled me from the depths of my winter stupor, and set me back on track. Centerpieces are not only key to a well-decorated bridal shower, they are perfect for this week's project!

Silk Flower Centerpieces for my *wonderful* cousin Caitlin's Bridal Shower
(Three down, four to go.)

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Flower #9

Poppies are a beloved Ukrainian art motif, symbolizing joy and beauty,
they also happen to be a great subject for my flower for the week.

Pysanky on a duck egg

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Flower #8

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
It's the week after V-Day,
But here's some flowers for you!

Paper-covered boxes topped with a dozen paper roses.


Friday, February 12, 2010

Flower #7

There's not much to do when a blizzard decides to dump four feet of snow on you. All you want to do is stay warm and dream of spring.

Staying warm is what prompted me to dig through my box of yarn scraps, which was followed swiftly by the thought of spring (for the thousandth time) and the inspiration for this week's flower.

(I didn't use a pattern, except for the blooms themselves, and even that I changed to suit my scale.)

Yellow Primroses
Acrylic Yarn Scraps

Friday, February 5, 2010

Flower #6

Orchids and thermoplastics. An unlikely pairing in the natural world perhaps, but a perfect one nonetheless. Showcased in my flower for this week:

White Orchid
Polymer clay and acrylic paint

It's a pin, by the way.
Modeled by myself.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Flower #5 + Bonus Flower

The hardest part of quilling paper is finding the tool at the craft store.

Because it is, in relation to the supplies needed and the awareness of it's use, in a minuscule section squeezed in between the rubber stamps and the vellum pads as if it was an afterthought. Which is a pity, since it's insanely easy to do, and the end result is gorgeous. It's the closest I think I'll get to instant gratification. Which is why I made two this week...

Quilled Paper

Bonus Flower:

Quilled Paper

Friday, January 22, 2010

Flower #4

There is something rather satisfying about air-dry clay. It's colorful, malleable, forgiving, and despite it smelling a bit funky, it seems to have been made especially for people who give themselves a week to finish a project and only end up working on it the day before it's due.

Crayola Model Magic and Floral Taped wire.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Flower #3

Q: What do you get when you mix a two foot high stack of old fashion magazines, a pair of scissors, and a grande vanilla latte at eleven at night?

A: Well, a quaint flower collage of course.

Daisies made up of flower-related words
Magazine clippings on card stock.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Flower #2

I rediscovered my stash of forgotten soda tabs this week. I had made bracelets and belts out of them for presents a few Christmas's ago and somehow thought I had used them all up. I was wrong. I found three Zip-Loc baggies brimming with hundreds of the things. So, in an attempt to rid my supply shelf of at least some of them, I transformed a tiny handful into this week's flower.


Spray-painted soda tabs and acrylic on canvas.

Friday, January 1, 2010

The Year of the Flower Begins!

The Challenge: A flower every week, for a year, different mediums every time.

The Inspiration: Noah Scalin and his Skull-A-Day project.(

Since I have neither the time, the resources, or the money to make one a day, I decided to do the next best thing and make one a week. My goal is to learn how to use new media and techniques, broaden my skill zones, and expand my portfolio. Who knows, after this I might have enough money saved to actually go to art school. I can't wait to find out! So, without further ado or fanfare...

Flower #1

Japanese Yellow Iris
Conte Crayon