Saturday, June 19, 2010

Flower #25

I found out this week that I'm at an awkward crafting age. I'm too old for children's crafts, too young for old-lady crafts, and too stubborn for anything else. This week all I had in my supply bin were those little iron-together beads (children!) and a dainty cross-stitch pattern (old-lady!). What was I to do? After swiping some graph paper from my brothers desk and digging out our ironing board, I came up with a refreshing hybrid flower! Behold, coasters!

Violet coaster
Perler Beads

The action!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Flower #24

According to the Great Wikipedia speed painting is "an exercise, primarily digital, in which one paints on a time budget, using already developed methods to create a piece."

According to Me: speed painting is "when I have to leave for work in fifteen minutes and realize I'm somehow a week behind on my flowers."

Either way, here's what it looks like:


Flower #23

Ideas are one of those things that you wish you could have on demand. Instead, the evasive little things sneak up upon you when you least expect it and jump out in front of you. While you're tossing and turning around in bed at three a/m, or making yourself a sandwich, or while you're taking a shower. Like, for example, this week's flower. (Technically its last week's flower, but I'm only getting around to posting it now.)

Carved soap


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Flower #22

Life has been increasingly busy. Between working, taking care of old dog, training my new dog, going kayaking, and attending Memorial Day festivities, I found myself headachey and wishing vehemently to become a hippy. How wonderful would it be to do nothing all day but frolic about in the fields, gathering leaves and flowers for my next project, wearing airy skirts and charming vintage jewelry? Very. This week's flower is a subtle tribute to the kind of freedom I so long for during these hectic times:

Flower Girl
Pressed flowers, ribbon, silk remnants.